22 October 2010

Straight to Hell - The Clash

Fri 5.09am  10.59KM Roo+Lake 42m23  (4m00 K's)

4m45, 4m24, 4m07, 4m03,
3m58, 3m56, 3m48, 3m42,
3m50, 3m42, 2m08= 3m38pace

I always loved this song, the rhythm more than anything, I've never really looked to understand  the lyrics though I can sing them all! 
Decided to shorten my run today in an attempt to up the pace. After my first two K at Showroom Dummy pace I slipped into an acceptable pace.

1 comment:

Samurai Running said...

No mistaking the voice, yes great song! I used to listen to this song before going out a surfing big waves. It used to give me courage for some reason!