27 June 2010


Fri 5.00am 16KM Cadel+Roo 67m11
Sat 3.00pm 6 X 1K @ Nudgee 200m jog recovery
Sun 3.00pm 22KM Roo+Lake X 2 90m49

Friday's run included a brief chat with Helen Stanton who confirmed she was awarded the first place at the Caloundra Foreshore 10K.
Today's run felt comfortable which considering it was 45m + 45m for Roo+Lake is quite good going. I weighed in at 69kg before my run.
This morning I had to go into the city to pick up my race number for next Saturday = Gold Coast 10K. Somehow I have managed to blag an elite start which amongst other things means my race number (bib) is in fact my name! I hope that I can perform to the very best of my current ability (stating the obvious!!). I'm not really sure what that might be but I hope that it would be sub 36.
Late night tonight ( Formula 1 and then England V Germany) so probably just my usual short run tomorrow.


TokyoRacer said...

Yes, England vs. Germany is going to keep EVERYONE up tonight.

Jim Beisty said...

Boo Hoo!

Scott Lawrence said...

I look forward to seeing you at the 10k next Sat, David. Should be fun. Scott