29 April 2014

parkrun Race

Anyone who is an avid reader of this blog may have noticed an upturn in the number of comments coming in to my all too infrequent posts lately.
For the record, Barry Broe and Peter Reeves amongst others have set up next Saturdays Minnippi parkrun as a gathering of both Masters and the cream of Brisbane's running talent. 
I think it was just going to be a few old boys having a 5km blast at first but has gotten out of control with trophies being offered and the inclusion of serious young talent. With age and the onset of senility, the ability to seriously offer competition to the youngsters is compromised so the use and importance of the age grading % becomes more important as the days go by. It provides us with a tool to defeat the years and remember our youth.
For the record here are the current Australian parkrun age cat records;

Reevesey wont admit it but he is 'odds on' to take one (if not both) the trophies on offer.

As for me, more steady running containing the knee pain with Celebrex.
I did manage to get out the past two weekends on the bike too and Sunday ran some intervals around the square (!) at Woodside Oval (!) ran roughly 3.3km in about 3minute pace in the full sun barefoot!
For details check Garmin here ; http://connect.garmin.com/activity/487764431


Sources close to the organisers said...

In what has been seen as a magnanimous gesture the man known to most as Lord Garmin and to millions in the east simply as his holiness the Garmin Lama has attempted to highlight the plight of seniors in a rapidly changing Garmin world by acknowledging the man known to a befuddled few as the Robot by suggesting he poses a serious challenge to the GTrain in this Saturday's epoch defining Masters Mega Star age graded challenge . The lie to this was exposed when highly magnified imaging of the trophies being held by an ex Russian beauty Queen clearly shows them to be already engraved with the name David McSweeney clearly evident . When asked to comment on this the Garmin Lama simply smiled and made totally irrelevant references as to unforeseen circumstances intervening such as lightning strike which seems a highly unlikely scenario seeing as the standing the sometimes larrikin Scotsman has with the divine powers of providence . Realistically this is a one horse race and all bets are off as to the winner . Even the Robot's coach has bowed to the inevitable and advised him to make sure he wipes the spit from his beard before posing with what will be at best a minor certificate of participation or perhaps a cheap plastic medalion for oldest participant .

White House Spokesman said...

Best wishes from the White House go out to Lord Garmin for this Saturday's Mega Spectacular never to be repeated in this lifetime , World Park Run Master's International extravaganza that will unite all hemispheres of the globe and all peoples be they young or old or befuddled . Lord Garmin has shown through his extraordinary achievements of survival both at sea and in the rapidly growing sport of Park Running that he has what the president calls the XFactor , that special quality hard to define but unmistakably oozing out in spades from the man who's done the seemingly impossible which is to make bagpipe playing fashionable again . The President like everybody else is intrigued as to her he manages the flaming effect and asks will he be performing at the civic reception after his anticipated win .

The CIA said...

Sources close to the Russian leadership have indicated that all plans for the invasion of eastern Ukraine have been put on hold so as not to detract world media focus from events in the tidal swamps of Moreton Bay , Queensland where an event of world significance will be conducted this weekend . Russian as well as other world media outlets will broadcast the event live and the attention of the entire planet will be riveted on Minnipini park where the age graded Park Running championship of the entire universe will be determined. The Russiian leadership have never disguised the fact that they are firmly in The Lord Garmin camp and deny that they are so merely to ferment political unrest in Scotland by funding the GTrains more controversial political agenda to break up the United Kingdom and establish a free and independent Scotland and a establish a more competitive Glasgow Rangers football team .

Bayside News said...

Residents of Brisbane's bayside suburbs have reported numerous incidents of mysterious lights in recent days hovering at night in the vicinity of the Minnippi Park Lands where on this Saturday the greatest Park Run in the history of Park Running will be hotly contested . This UFO activity has been dismissed by authorities as nothing more than swamp gases erupting from the toxic tidal mangroves of Moreton Bay or possibly the planet Venus (despite thick cloud cover). Race organisers have been quick to reassure the public the event will be very safe and security a top priority . Unofficial sources close to race organisers ( so close in fact they were seen buying cornflakes in bulk for the gala breakfast after the event) explained that interest in the race had now gone intergalactic and that it was more than likely first contact may be made with alien civilisations keen to follow the race and the performance of galaxy favourite Lord Garmin ( known in the East as the Garmin Lama ) and perhaps gate crash the civic reception later to issue an appeal for intergalactic peace and love and perhaps solve one of the universes' greatest puzzles which is how the man manages to perform his fiery bagpipes rendition of Thunderstruck without turning himself into a human torch .

E.T. said...

He can use my bike if he wants .

Sources close to the Garmin Lama said...

Lord Garmin , known to many as the Garmin Lama has offered the opinion that while many are, "talking a lot" they are in fact ,"not saying anything ." This is an obvious reference to the incredible media interest and consequent cheap and gutter press speculation in Saturday's world Park Running extravaganza which has now seemingly reached beyond the confines of this planet . Lord Garmin's training performances this week , watched live via Garmin Connect and with some degree of nervous trepidation by his erstwhile and in some cases befuddled opposition , has sparked speculation that the male age graded record could fall to the Scotsman . The voice of Scottish independence has also announced that following his expected win on Saturday he will be performing not only his signature tune Thunderstruck on his flaming bagpipes but a special rendition of " Psycho Killer " which will be eagerly anticipated by the GTrain's Gothic followers not to mention punk rock admirers .

Sources close to the Garmin Lama said...

Lord Garmin , who is the odds on favourite to write another glorious chapter in his distinguished Park Running career, a sport he has focused world wide attention on tweeted , " his lips were sealed" in regards to making any rash predictions in regard his age graded performance on Saturday . He has indicted to his adoring fans that they need only follow this week's training performances via Garmin Connect to feel that inner glow of reassurance which comes from being part of the GTrain experience which he reminds them was part of the deal they signed up to when they became part of what is now being termed Garminmania . As his Lordship succinctly put it , when you ," say something once , why say it again . " This is the type of profound statement that the Scotsman is famous for uttering before a big performance and which his spellbound fans spend inordinately long periods of time contemplating the meaning thereof .