15 May 2011

Source Code - A womans memory

Sun 7.00am Nathan SAF QMA 3000m 1st  9m26.6
69.14  136bpm
76.24  161bpm
77.21  162bpm
76.89  164bpm
77.06  166bpm
77.55  167bpm
76.17  169bpm
36.37  171bpm

With QMA putting on a very late season Track meet I thought it would be a good opportunity to see if I could continue last months form and run a quick 3000m. 
It was not to be!
Conditions were not ideal though I had hoped the cooler conditions and much reduced humidity would be beneficial, however, I found the cold a real problem. 
Only about 6 runners in the field and I might have at least double lapped them all, so pretty much me by myself. I just felt the cold get into my hands and into my arms and felt as if I tied up (a problem I regularly suffered in the UK). A cool (Antarctic like breeze) didn't help.
So it was pretty much a case of going through the motions - now I feel I probably should have run the Sunshine Coast XC. I wore the heat rate monitor and hit the lap button on my Garmin!

I had a late night on top of yesterday's early start as Natalie and I went the cinema to see Source Code.
It is pretty rare for us to go by ourselves but the three younger kids were all on sleepovers so we grabbed the chance.
Natalie wanted to go see 'Paul' - the comedy alien film with the guys from 'run fat boy run'. This really is not my cup of tea and I persuaded her to see the Sci Fi thriller Source Code. It took some persuasion - she countered my "I would enjoy it much more" with "the last time you  chose was on our anniversary that war movie that went on for 4 Hours!" I was thinking bloody hell what movie was that? Then it came to me - 'Saving Private Ryan' on our 1st Anniversary 20 years ago!!!!! I was able to counter with the last time we went to the movies by ourselves was her choice the Chick flick 'The Devil Wears Prada' ( yes we really haven't been to the movies alone for about 6 years!! Needless to say I got my choice! even though it meant getting to bed at midnight and getting up at 5.00am for this mornings race!
As you know (see profile) I like Sci Fi and Source Code was excellent go see it. Great story and some great aerial cinematography of Chicago. 

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