01 January 2011

Trigger Happy TV - Dom Jolly

Sat 5.00pm 10.63km Roo+Lake 43m46  (4m08 K's)

Not too much damage from last nights excesses! Must have been feeling OK as though I laboured through the first K, I did get into aprox 4min K mode by about 3rd K. 
Calf muscles were remarkably pain free after yesterdays session but L. knee and R.Groin/hammy thing a bit sore.
After two days where we have seen the big yellow ball n the sky again it was back to very heavy clouds and about 6 inches of rain. The forecast is for two more weeks of rain but at least that means we don't have the unbearable humidity and heat typical of this time of year.
Max is pestering me to get on the computer now so my brief review of last year will have to wait again.

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